Zegeye Asfaw LLB MSc
After a career in the law and service as a Government Minister, Zegeye founded the NGO 'HUNDEE-Oromo Grassroots Development Initiative' which has significantly contributed to food security, human rights education, women empowerment and child welfare.
Linda Bale FCMA CGMA
Qualified as a Chartered Management Accountant in 1997. She has worked in the charity (education) sector for over 30 years.
Pauline J Makepeace LLB PGCE MCIArb FHEA
Pauline obtained a degree in law at Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic in 1978. She then spent 5 years in the construction industry dealing with contract administration. In 1984 she trained as a teacher in further and higher education and has been teaching law since that date. She is currently Tutor in Law at the College of Estate Management in Reading.
Her other charity work is with the Reading Film Theatre, an independent cinema showing predominately ‘art house’ films, where she is a trustee/director.

Elizabeth D Moir MA DipMgmt MCMI BWY Dip
After working for over 30 years in distance education in administrative and management roles, Elizabeth trained as a yoga teacher. She is also a volunteer administrator for a professional string orchestra, a registered charity which develops young international players.
Elizabeth also acts as EFSAF Secretary.
Mulugeta Naizghi MSc
Graduated in Mathematics with BSc (1978) and MSc (1982) from Addis Ababa University. He taught at both Asmara University and AAU. He has served as Associate Registrar for records and Dean of Student Services at AAU. He currently serves on the teaching staff in the Department of Mathematics, College of Education AAU.
Mulugeta is married with one daughter.