News items

Launch of Award Programme at Adama Science and Technology University
On Wednesday 11th December 2013 first semester grants of ETB375 each were paid through the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia to 25 girl students at the School of Natural Sciences at Adama...More..

New Award Programme at Adama Science and Technology University
Following a meeting at the Adama Science and Technology University held on 15th July 2013 Mr. Mrs. Ronald Stott agreed with Ato Fekadu Cherinet (Department of Education) and Wro Sidise Geysso...More..

2013 Graduation Day at Addis Ababa University
The 2013 graduation ceremony at Addis Ababa University took place on Saturday 6th July. Among the graduates...More..

Staff changes at Awash
We have been advised that Ato Getaneh Tsegaye has been appointed as manager of the Arat Kilo Branch ...More..

Appointment of New Secretary
Effective 10th February 2013 Miss Elizabeth Moir was appointed secretary of the charity...More..

Revision of Charitable Objectives
On the 2nd January 2013 the Charity Commission in England and Wales approved EFSAF’s application...More..

Former Vice-Minister Congratulates EFSAF Graduates
At a celebratory dinner held on Friday 13th July 2012 at the Lucy Restaurant...More..

2012 Graduation Day at Addis Ababa University
The 2012 graduation ceremony at Addis Ababa University took place on Saturday 7 July...More..

New Trustee Appointment
Effective from the 9th June 2012 Miss Elizabeth Moir has been appointed as a trustee of the charity...More..

2011 Graduation Day at Addis Ababa University
The 2011 graduation ceremony at Addis Ababa University took place on Saturday 23 July...More..

Change in Faculty of Science Student Dean's Office.
Effective from May 2011 Dr. Tadesse Abdi of the Department of Mathematics replaced Dr. Habte Tekle as the Faculty of Science Dean of Students.......More..

New Branch Manager Appointed at the Awash International Bank.
In April 2011 Ato Shiferaw Tolera replaced Ato Akawak Damara as Manager of the Arat Kilo Branch of the Awash International Bank SC......More..

First Cohort of Students Graduate
On Saturday 24th July 2010 twenty girls from the first cohort of students, supported by the charity, graduated from Addis Ababa University. 13 graduated in biology, 4 in mathematics, 1 in earth science, 1 in physics, and 1 in chemistry.....More..

Third Cohort Award Ceremony
On Thursday 4th February 2010, 44 students from the Faculty of Science Addis Ababa University attended an award ceremony held on the Arat Kilo campus. These students commenced their studies in the Academic Year 2009-2010 and represent the third cohort of EFSAF awardees. The first semester grant of E$375 had been credited to bank accounts opened on their behalf with the Arat Kilo Branch of Awash International Bank SC.......More..

U.S. Professor Endorses EFSAF Programme
Professor Sisay Asefa of the Western Michigan University USA, who is teaching in Ethiopia as part of a sabbatical year, presented EFSAF award letters to 44 students at Addis Ababa University on Thursday 4th February 2010. These students formed the bulk of the third cohort of EFSAF awardees......More..

Staff Changes at the Awash International Bank
Ato Tilahun Ameneshewa who was responsible for the opening of bank accounts for the first three cohorts of EFSAF awardees, has been promoted to a new appointment within the bank. He will be replaced as manager of the Arat Kilo Branch by Ato Akawak Damara.....More..

Revision in Grant Award Academic Year 2009-2010
Following a meeting with the Student Dean of the Faculty of Science, Dr Habte Tekle at Addis Ababa University on 7 July 2009, the Trustees decided 10 July 2009 that the annual grant to awardees would be increased from E$500 to E$750....More..

Second Cohort Award Ceremony
On Friday 20th February 2009, 49 students from the Faculty of Science Addis Ababa University attended an Award Ceremony held on the Arat Kilo Campus. These students commenced their studies in the Academic Year 2008-2009 and represent the second cohort of EFSAF awardees. The first semester grant of E$250 had been credited to...More..

Horwath Clark Whitehill appointed as EFSAF Independent Examiners
Following a discussion held on 20th November 2008 with the Reading office of the international firm of chartered accountants, Messrs Horwath Clark Whitehill, it was announced that they were willing to act as Independent Examiners of the charity..More..

Awash International Bank opens student accounts
On Tuesday 4 November 2008 the Arat Kilo branch of the Awash International Bank SC sent in a team to the Addis Ababa University to complete the account opening documentation for 29 grantees of the Ethiopian Female Student Assistance Fund (EFSAF).More..

Staff Changes AAU Faculty of Science
Effective 1 August 2008 Dr Habte Tekle was appointed Assistant Dean of Students at the Faculty of Science at Addis Ababa University. Dr Habte replaces the previous incumbent Ato Yibeltal Yitayew. The office manager Ato Yared Estiphanos will remain in post..More..

EFSAF achieves registration with the Charity Commission
On April 22 2008 The Charity Commission advised that EFSAF had been registered under registration number 1123793.
EFSAF Trustee and Secretary Miss Linda Bale commented "The process of applying for registration was a demanding one, but the Trustees were of the unanimous opinion that prospective donors and recipients of grants needed the comfort that the charity was subject to stringent regulation."

First award ceremony
On Thursday 31st January 2008 fifty female students from the Faculty of Science and the college of Education at Addis Ababa University received the first tranche (E$150) of a first year grant of first year grant of E$500. The ceremony was held in the New Science Building in the Arat Kilo campus in Addis Ababa. More..

EFSAF Welcomes Addis Ababa University Women’s Affairs Appointments
Ronald Stott Chairman of EFSAF, after a meeting with Student Affairs Officials held at Addis Ababa University on 22nd January 2008 welcomed the recent appointment of Dr Yalemtsehay Mekonnen as Head of Women’s Affairs of the Faculty of Science and of Wzt. Kelemua Yezengaw as Deputy Co-ordinator. More..